"Now" Poem

Here’s a poem I just wrote for a little contest thingy at my school… The theme is “now”.

I’m just curious what you guys think of it.

Though in the future my paper and pen will touch,
No moment again will feel quite as much,
Like now, for it only comes once,
Like the smell of fresh rain
and the sunshine on our skin,
we must cherish the moment,
or we’ll begin to perish within,
And akin to this
we must help others love each other,
For the cover love provides,
flies like a dove in front of the sun,
Soaring high in the sky,
replicating such a feeling can not be done,
so appreciate the now, the moment, and the day,
or you’ll look back with regrets you won’t even contemplate,
cuz that’s what happens when you fail to appreciate the now,
the chances of loving life, depreciate faster than the loud,
jets ahead, So make the best of the now and it’ll help like it’s life’s med-,
ication, control yourself to the extent the president controls the nation,
to make the best of future “now"s, practice great communication,
of course, there are kids that don’t..
why?, don’t know, makin' my head spin we’ll call that centrifugal force,
In short, life is nothing but an illusion,
a mirage, a vision, whatever causes the least confusion,
and it’s up to you on how it’s viewed,
so stay true, choose not to feel blue, and always do nothin', nothin' but you

April 23rd, 2014

Unless you are part of a VERY talented year group, you’ll win the contest!

April 23rd, 2014

I think your lines run a little too long at the end, but otherwise, good job! Thanks for posting.

April 25th, 2014
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