Are we sure the scripts aren’t anywhere online?

February 26th, 2014

Oh, I’m sure scripts could be found/downloaded. I know a site that charges you monthly to have access to what seems like all of the Writer’s Guild’s scripts – so eff that. I wasn’t thinking transcribing the same page – I meant more along the lines of we get 5 people to transcribe a season, each taking 2 episodes. Or along those lines.

February 26th, 2014

@6xPlatinum could you link to the site? might be interested in that…and I feel you but it wouldn’t really be a party anymore then as transcribing a single episode takes forever long. I was thinking we have a GoT party where each of us transcribes 5 minutes of the episode or something, then we get it done in like 20-30 minutes and then spend the rest of the hour annotating it together as a team! Could be like a weekly thing we do on Saturdays or Sundays or something

February 26th, 2014

My imagination got the best of me. It’s just Doc Stoc, which is a site that hosts texts that people can use, and on occasion a movie script will be in there. It had been awhile, but regardless, here’s the link to what I originally saw on the site: BAM!

As for GoT, I feel ya Tomi. We could get in a chat and all agree on breaking points/scenes of the episode and then just divvy them out. Or even, we all break down scenes together and then give everyone a day or whatever to break down their list of scenes and then we can piece them together at the same time, that way we all have X amount of time to transcribe a few different characters and scenes from episodes.

February 26th, 2014

Also, if anyone was out in LA, this is fucking awesome (script library).

February 26th, 2014

Can’t wait to explain!

February 26th, 2014

I tried looking for GoT scripts online but the few that I found weren’t that good. I’m currently transcribing an episode, I’ve completed about 12 minutes so far. I don’t know when I’ll be finished.

February 27th, 2014

lol good luck!!!

February 27th, 2014
February 28th, 2014

I’ve gone through that Episode 1 script about 5 times now. I keep wanting to add stuff, but I’m resisting! So much of this shit is dependant on the rest of the show to be transcribed. A lot of the story links and there’s so much foreshadowing and examples of behavior to point out.

Goddamnit I guess sometime in the very near future I’m going to have to get down and dirty with some transcribing without the benefit of a posse!

March 1st, 2014

Well, I’m not letting that stop me. The episode I’ve been working on is Season 3, Episode 9. Yes, that episode. The episode the producers were looking forward to the most since the beginning. I just finished transcribing but I need to look it over.

March 1st, 2014

In addition to episodes, what about throwing up lyrics to songs in the series as well? The Raines of Castamere is up, and you can find some of the others here if interested.

March 1st, 2014

#SPOILER: Do not click on this link if you haven’t finished Season 3

Alright, I just posted “The Rains of Castamere”, Episode 9, Season 3. I did my best, any changes that need to be made, you know what to do. Shoutout to Game of Thrones Season 3 Blu-Ray and subtitles, was a big help.

March 1st, 2014

You would transcribe S3Ep9 before we have the rest of the show up!

Meanwhile, I just transcribed and formatted The Kingsroad, S1Ep2

March 2nd, 2014

I’m not waiting for the rest of the show to be up, that will take too long. Most GoT fans already know about a certain event in Season 3 so I figured why not transcribe it. At this point, the only ones who don’t know are those who don’t watch the show or haven’t caught up to Season 3.

March 2nd, 2014