@ChakaChakra – why can’t we do both? Have the more wiki style pages, but @illustriousQ says – we can also put whole scripts/important scenes up too!

July 10th, 2014
July 10th, 2014

@Beanhead Fantastic! I’ll get crackin within the next couple days.

July 10th, 2014

@ChakaChakra – great. What show are you planning on starting with?

July 10th, 2014

I’m so pleased that there is so much support for this. I want to thank you guys for the aid for this. Hopefully, we can also get a Manga Genius forum up and be able to make threads and such about new manga chapters that have recently come out.

I thought that this was kinda of a shelved idea until I saw @illustriousQ’s transcriptions of The Fall of Shignshina. Now this pitch is becoming a reality. I want to be able to bring in those guys in the anime/manga forums and then we get more people to annotate this shit. There’s no advertisements to clutter the function of the forums like those other ones.

We could recommend anime and manga’s to each other and also discuss anime reviewers. Not saying we can’t do this in the other threads, but hey, a place for us to go is great too.

In my dream world…

along with Rap Genius having a video feature, there is also a reading feature for books. And then not only will you be able to watch Anime and TV shows, but read the books too! lol but that’s just something I would love to happen, but I don’t think think that would go well with RG’s no advertisement shit

July 10th, 2014

Sooner or later each anime/manga will have it’s own thing.

The only thing about manga is, we could annotate pictures like how we do cover art. It would just take too long to put up. However, I will say, you can show how the anime is different from the manga.

My new scripts are going to be different, similar to how I did Garden State, mostly dialogue and not so much background info. I got a request for Cowboy Bebop (Dubbed); I know have to do more AOT (Subbed) too; and YYH (Dubbed), but don’t know when I’m going to get to it. We should find an anime we all like and work on it.

If subbed, use original subs, not fans subs. Unless you absolutely can’t find them.

If dubbed, make sure to mark it in the title.

Also, I’m going to start making, character sections. I need to re-revamp my YYH one, since I’m going to do scripts for them.

July 10th, 2014

Bump for a future annotation of the symbolism in FMA and/or 666 Satan (O-Parts Hunter in the states because we’re on some religious shit).

July 12th, 2014

@Beanhead I was thinking of making a “Death Note: How To Use” guidebook and maybe some Evangelion stuff. I’ve also been keeping up with Naruto, which is absolutely phenomenal as the series enters its final phase. Also down for FullMetal Alchemist, old-school Digimon, Miyazaki films, Outlaw Star, and other wacky random stuff.

July 12th, 2014

is there a good resource for scripts for Evangelion, FMA Brotherhood or Cowboy Bebop? I would be all over close reading and annotating those masterpieces. there’s so much depth and complexity. would be awesome to have the original scripts to work from.

July 12th, 2014

i’d be into all Miyazaki films as well!

July 12th, 2014

Anything involving mechs or robosuits and I am so in. Gundam and Bubblegum Crisis and Macross and Eureka 7. Aweesome.

July 12th, 2014

@DCkrantz They’re out there somewhere, if we can’t find em we’ll have to transcribe them ourselves! I’m up for the task. Just gotta make the time!

July 13th, 2014


The only thing about manga is, we could annotate pictures like how we do cover art. It would just take too long to put up. However, I will say, you can show how the anime is different from the manga.

Like this?


July 13th, 2014

Yes, but the only difference is comics are kinda different.

Most of the information from the manga transfers directly over to anime adaptation. So it would be pointless, a lot of stuff gets taken out.

Mangas are more times than not have all the information already in the context. Making it harder to elaborate on. Yet, I like what you did with Watchmen. At the same time, this is more Manga specifically is more @LotusEaterEvans lane.

@DCkrantz Let me know if you want to do a Miyazaki film, I’ll help. He’s my favorite.

Spirited Away, anyone?

July 13th, 2014

@illustriousQ – sure. @LotusEaterEvans – take a look!

July 13th, 2014