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Phil Kaye

AKA: Philip Kay

About Phil Kaye

Phil Kaye grew up in California and first fell in love with spoken word poetry in his late teens. He has since performed at hundreds of venues in fifteen different countries. His work has been viewed over 5 million times online and has been featured in media outlets such as Al Jazeera America and Upworthy.com. Phil has collaborated with other Slam poets such as Sarah Kay and was recently invited to perform alongside His Holiness The Dalai Lama for the celebration of his 80th birthday.

Phil is also the co-director of Project VOICE, and through his work with this organisation he has worked hands-on with students of all different ages in over a hundred schools around the world. He has also acted as the head coordinator of Space in Prisons for the Arts and Creative Expression (SPACE) which saw him teaching weekly poetry workshops in maximum security prisons. He has twice been awarded the National College Poetry Slam (CUPSI) award for “Pushing the Art Forward”, for outstanding innovation in the art of performance poetry. His first book, A Light Bulb Symphony, was published in 2011.