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great contribution to wikipedia

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This is a nuanced choice of adjective to go alongside “mendacious”. Catharsis is, of course, what comes at the end of a great tragedy (per Aristotle). According to David Remnick in The New Yorker, the tragedy was Trump’s election.

At the time I had some sympathy for Remnick’s portrayal, but West looks much deeper, and uncovers the true tragedy that happened before: the grave inequality in American society, and the nonchalance with which the Democratic party treated it.

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Saw this one coming

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A bold play, indeed. Those commercial publishers, tho, ceased to be publishers and became bloggers instead when their content was hosted on the Medium, which whitewashes, almost literally, the look and feel of a publication.

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If a platform think it can make the great ones rise to the top, then the great ones will not rise to the top of said platform

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Well, as far as I can see it ( and I’m neither an economist nor the CEO of an online publishing platform), the current system is capitalism. Late capitalism if you’re a Jamesonian. It’s proven pretty invincible so far (see maybe Žižek’s ideas about it having constant mini-revolutions) and I’m not sure a platform like Medium can change that.

Reading further into this post, there doesn’t seem to be a lot about how to make money from quality over quantity, which Medium presumably needs to do.

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