Since the entire post-Brexit Tory strat has revolved around May prevaricating and lying through her teeth, this was pretty amusing to watch

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Thought experiment: if the current Tory cabinet was replaced entirely with people who either worked has or had worked as pizza delivery drivers, would the plight of working people in the UK improve or decline?

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It is specifically grandparents who are most hyped for this

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Hahah yeah I am sure all the 70 year olds were really worried about the road ahead

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Possibly both the biggest lie and the the deadest metaphor here

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Here Mamma May reveals the central conceit of her “plan” to for Brexit: it is a rejection of the arms of the European Union in order to make the more profound belly-bump with the world at large.* Again, it’s fairly typical fodder for a facist post-truth government like the Tories, viz. complete claptrap. How does turning away from one supra-national institution that has a track record of stopping fascism and war since its inception help a country to embrace the world?

*I just put that better than her speechwriter, btw—but I will never work for the Tories 🖕

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There is no point trying to parse this garbage as it has no semantic content

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The nebulous, unspecific concept of change kicks off the speech in typical post-truth pattern. People voted against the status quo as it operated in June 2016; they voted so generally in apathy and / ignorance of the xenophobic and hate-centric actors that would gain greater power in light of the result.

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This should be the title of Bilton’s autobiography

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